1. Objectives of Homework
To reinforce student’s learning, provide feedback on their progress
and cultivate a healthy disposition towards continual learning.
To encourage our students to develop good study skills
and habits such as time management and self-discipline and cultivate ownership
and responsibility for independent learning (Empower).
To enable teachers to check for student’s understanding
and progress to provide timely feedback, intervention and support. (Enable, Enrich)
To provide parents with timely information on the child’s
learning progress and to be involved in the child’s learning (Engage)
2. Role of the students
Record Homework assignments and deadlines in the Students’ Handbook.
Check the Handbook DAILY for homework assignments.
Ensure that homework assignments are completed and submitted on time.
Give his/her best effort in completing homework.
Review and act on the feedback given by teachers on homework submitted
3. Working in Partnership with our Parents
The benefits of homework will only be realised
with the cooperation and partnership of students and parents. Please refer
to the table below for some recommendations/ suggested good practices for
our students and parents.
Recommendations for students
Recommendations for Parents
Find an appropriate place and make it a designated homework area.
Ensure that the necessary stationery is available.
Establish routine study hours.
Complete homework on time.
Select a well-lit, comfortable and quiet spot in your home.
Parents are recommended to refer to books such as “Calmer, Easier, Happier Homework”
by Noël Janis-Norton. The author of the book suggests that even primary
school children need the discipline of almost-daily work at home or they
will fall behind.
The following is a list of some of her suggestions:
The basic rules for homework must first be laid down. Then, as resistance
fades, they gradually become accepted, appreciated, and become habits.
Start the habit of having your child sit down and do homework every day.
Establish a daily homework schedule because routines reduce resistance.
Do not skip homework for two or more days in a row as this can make re-establishing
the homework routine more difficult. One day off a week is the optimum,
so your child can have a day when no thought of work need enter his/her
Wherever possible, plan for homework to be done at the same time every
day. That way it is predictable and therefore easier for everyone to remember
and accept.
Make a homework schedule chart and place it in a prominent place. Refer
to it frequently. This will reduce confusion and resistance.
If the school has not set any homework, have your child get a head start
on homework due in a few days, have them revise a topic that is causing
them trouble or get them to practise a skill you think they need to improve